Although this preference is not currently reflected in employee contracts, many people are opting to alter their work agreements to fulfil their desire to work outside of the office. However, in many instances, employers retain the right to choose the location where their employees fulfil their roles, meaning many requests are denied or ignored. But this is likely to change.

Amendments to the Fair Work Act coming into effect on June 6, will allow employees to better negotiate their location arrangements. These changes would alter specific clauses in employee contracts and would reflect a growing preference for flexible workplaces. The clauses may include giving employees a choice of when and where they work and how many hours they spend in the office each week.

This change in the Fair Work Act strongly reflects the changing workplace across Australia, as seen in Melbourne where just 47 per cent of workers returned to the office in February, instead opting to work remotely.

Although employers may find this change of change challenging, the popularity of this hybrid workplace is increasing. So, if changes in the Fair Work Act do come into play employers across Australia should prepare to make an increased effort to accommodate these new employee needs.