Mental Health Awareness Month kicked off with a video launch on social media featuring a long list of mental health advocates, in which the video highlighted where to find mental health support and community-based mental health support delivered by non-government services. There are also a series of Mental Health Awareness Month events, including a mindshare Group Exhibition, the Festival of Now, and multiple mental health talks regarding front-line workers. 

While your first thought when you think of the word 'community' may be your immediate friends and family, this community space also involves the people you work with - the others you spend most of your days with without even noticing. With the stress of income and job insecurity during these still pandemic-effected times, your workmates may also need a check-in that you would otherwise give to your loved ones.

Mental Health Awareness Month has a clear inclusion of the workface for a reason. So make sure to check on your workmates and other employees this month, and every month, whether or not they are struggling. A conversation can help those in need enormously. 

For more information on Mental Health Awareness Month, click here.