Set up a dedicated workspace


Your workspace should be a place where you feel comfortable and able to focus. If you have a designated room for working from home, that's great! Make sure it's free of distractions - if you can lock the door or put up a "Do not disturb" sign, even better. If your workspace isn't in another room, don't worry. You can still set aside an area in your living space where no one else will be bothering you. Use whatever works:

If you don't have enough space for an entire room, try using an extra desk in your office or dining room—even if it's only temporary until something more permanent comes along.

If even that seems too much like work... hey! A table is better than nothing at all!


Set up a daily routine


A daily routine will help you stay on track and be more productive in the long run. Here are some suggested times to set aside:

  • Start work by 10 AM - 12 PM, then take a break at 1 PM - 2 PM, then finish up by 3 PM - 4 PM (or whatever time works best for you).

  • Eat lunch between 11 AM - 1 PM.

  • Walk around the block or go to the gym during your break time (if possible).

  • Do chores after leaving work for the night.

  • Relax before bed so that you can get a good night's sleep!


Take breaks throughout the day


  • Take breaks throughout the day.

  • Give yourself a break every two hours or so to avoid burnout—and keep you from going crazy from staring at your computer screen for too long. You can take these breaks in any number of ways, but one simple strategy is to take a short walk outside during your lunch break (or even just during a normal bathroom break).


Avoid just hanging out in your pajamas


There's a big difference between work and home, so you have to dress appropriately for the job you want. If your boss is expecting a professional outfit, don't show up in pajamas! The same goes for the occasion—if you're meeting with clients or attending an important event, it's best to dress accordingly.

In addition to dressing appropriately for the occasion, it's important that we maintain our mental health by looking good. A neat appearance will not only help you feel more confident but also show others that we care about ourselves enough to take care of our appearance even when no one else is around (or watching).


Find ways to connect with co-workers and customers


The more time you spend working from home, the more likely it is that you'll start to feel isolated. You may even begin to think that you're missing out on some aspect of "the work culture." But there are plenty of ways to stay connected with coworkers and customers while still enjoying the comforts of your home office.

Here are a few solutions:

  • Use a video conferencing service like Skype or Google Hangouts.

  • Use a project management tool such as Trello or Basecamp.

  • Use cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

  • Collaborate on documents using tools like Google Docs, Word Online, and Office 365 for Businesses (formerly SharePoint).


Reward yourself at the end of each workday

  • You deserve it! You worked hard, and now it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself. Make sure your reward is something that can be done at home, though—you don’t want to waste precious time going out just so you can buy a treat. Don’t forget that there are plenty of things in your kitchen right now that could make for great rewards! Try munching on some chocolate-covered almonds or making an iced latte with flavored syrup. Even better: try adding these rewards into your daily routine so they become part of what makes working from home fun for you!

    But don’t overdo it . . . *This tip may sound obvious, but sometimes we can get carried away when we get stressed about work deadlines or other pressures from our jobs. If this happens to you, take a deep breath in between working spells—it will help calm your nerves and keep them from getting too frazzled during those times when life gets hectic outside of the office too (and trust us: if it doesn't happen already, eventually it could!).

Working from home is a great thing, but only if you do it in a productive way!


The great thing about working from home is that you can make it as productive as you want. You just need to set up a routine, stick to it, and make sure your computer is working well.

Working from home can be a great thing, but only if you do it in a productive way! Try setting up a dedicated workspace and taking breaks throughout the day. Also, make sure that your “home office” is still an actual office with some sort of separation between personal life and work life. Finally, find ways to connect with coworkers and customers through video calls or instant messaging so that you don't feel isolated from everyone else in the company.