Selling non-essential goods or services in the current economy can be a struggle, particularly as consumers across the country tighten their purse strings. Creature comforts are typically the first to go, and often start a simple delaying of purchase and end in cancelling of subscriptions or substituting the purchase completely with something cheaper.

So how do you build brand loyalty in an economy that’s not on your side?

Superior Product

When it comes to testing customer loyalty, it’s great products and services that will stand the test of time. When you’re faced with a competitive industry, and an even more ruthless economy, doing all you can to ensure the quality of your product surpasses the rest is crucial.

Customer Service

Whether it be in person, online, or over the phone, make your service memorable. In trying times people want to be taken care of, they want to be reassured. Their money is being pulled in more directions than they can count, and you have to do all you can to show them you are a business that deserves their support. Customer loyalty through customer service is a matter of connection, ensuring customers feel encouraged and supported through their whole purchasing experience. Associating positive feelings with your customer service and purchasing system will help establish a key connection between you and your customers.

Loyalty Programs

A tried-and-true way to keep people connected and brand loyal is loyalty programs. Whether it be subscriptions, exclusive sales, or accumulating points, making your customers feel cared for will in turn make them care for you. The feeling of accomplishment, savings, and exclusivity of a loyalty or rewards program can build long-term customer loyalty, and if done well enough will bring more customers into your business.


Keeping up appearances online, over email, or even through text will help keep you relevant to your customers. Need a gift? Oh, someone just got a text with a discount code. Wondering where to buy a new outfit, an appealing Instagram post on their feed. The list goes on. With people consuming more electronically, maintaining an online and electronic presence will keep you at the forefront of customers’ minds.

And finally, Feedback

You can never know too much about your customer base. Understanding their wants, needs, and experiences with your brand, product, or service will only build your business for the better. And as a result, your customer loyalty. Sending follow-up emails after purchase, having a contact portal, and listening to reviews are just a handful of tools business owners can use to show customers they care. And a cared-for customer, is a loyal one.