In the modern age future employers are almost certain to check your social media profiles meaning if they find something they do not like, they will make judgements about you. 

Even your future date could be looking this stuff up! 

Social media can be a tricky one to gauge, here are some key pointers in how to create a positive social brand and how employers will judge you.

Social media posts don’t just disappear…

When you delete old social media posts there still is a chance, they may resurface without you knowing. As seen in the celebrity world, people are quick to screenshot behavior they find inappropriate. You never know who may have viewed your previous posts and whether or not they had recorded them. When in doubt, it’s best not to post!

Employers actually look at your social media!

Recent studies have indicated that the majority of employers will in fact stalk your socials at some point in the hiring process. In 2017 70% of employers admitted to this. The same study found 34% of employers identified information that changed their decision on employees. This proves your future or current boss probably has seen your Insta posts or Facebook Status’s.

What are employers actually searching for?

  • References to illegal substances and inappropriate sexual behavior
  • Incriminating behaviors in posts and videos
  • Inappropriate language including racist, sexist and hate speech comments
  • Politically charged messages 
  • Spelling and grammar 
  • Complaining about previous employers 

It’s not all doom and gloom though!

Social media can be an incredible tool to highlight your talents and personality to employers. 44% of employers reported finding positive information in employees and candidates on their social media platforms. Align your social media with the values you want to bring to the workplace. 

Evaluate your social media and delete any old posts or accounts you wouldn’t want your employer or mum to see and remember to post to impress!