Now, you may be wondering what this actually means. What are you preparing for? What do the interviewees actually want to hear? The constant ‘what’s and if’s’ are hard to navigate, but we have some helpful tips here to help.=

Our first tip for being prepared for your 2023 job interviews is to ensure you have gathered all of your relevant documents.

Some companies may say you do not need to bring anything to your interview, which is always one less thing to worry about for the big day.

BUT, it's always good to bring your latest Cover Letter and Resume along to an interview, just in case.

If you have any other achievements or certificates, it’s worth bringing these along too.

A university degree transcript can do wonders as well and it always helps to have visual proof to backup what you say in an interview.

Second, reread the job description and line up your skills with what the employer is looking for.

It’s easy to give your interviewee a generic overview of who you are and what you have achieved so far, but it’s a great advantage to address your skillset in line with the job description.

Study these details as much as you can because they will be super helpful on the day.

Finally, organise yourself the day before.

You may not think it’s important or necessary to do, but having your outfit/documents ready and organising where you will park are small things, but make the world of a difference when the big day arrives.

You will most likely experience a few nerves, mixed with excitement for your interview, so the less you have to think about and organise for the day, the better! 

With these helpful tips, you will nail any interview in 2023. Being prepared will be your new favourite thing!