The online course will be offering an extensive guide to help aspiring entrepreneurs launch and grow their online businesses. 

Called "The Lazy CEO's Guide to Starting and Growing an Online Business", Lu's course will guide participants through an eleven-step module filled with everything aspiring online business owners need to know. 

"It just takes one small step at a time, you just need to break it down into small incremental goals,” Lu says.

“You will learn so much from doing! My first business was like a crash course in starting a business — definitely learned more and was quicker and cheaper than my uni degree! And even though it failed, I pivoted from it to start Showpo".

It was Lu's passion for business and entrepreneurship that led her to launching the course, which will be available from April 11. 

The course, priced at $199, will include online video classes from Lu, downloadable content, and no time limit to complete the course meaning participants can do it all in their own time. 

Eager entrepenuers who wish to learn more about this exciting learning oppurtunity can look forward to the release of this course and find out more on Lu's own website, The Lazy CEO.