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However, work parties provide far more opportunities than showing off your karaoke skills and are actually the perfect place to build networks and boost your career.

Employers will be more relaxed out of the work environment, so Christmas parties provide the perfect space to talk about work without stressing about work.

Here are some tips on how to turn your end of year show into new year growth.


Have a look online or (discreetly) ask around the office about people you know might be there and haven’t had a chance to meet yet. This could be CEO’s, company partners or owners.

Make sure you’re ready to introduce yourself to these people and tell them a little bit about what you do and what you’re interested in pursuing within the business – if there’s any big projects coming up in the new year, be sure to put your hand up.

Respect boundaries

Even if there’s a bit of booze involved, don’t get too carried away. Make sure you remain familiar with the company hierarchy and people’s personal boundaries.

Leave early

Don’t hang out too late – the mistake a lot of people make is holding it together but tripping at the finish line. Remember nothing good happens after midnight and leaving at a sensible hour gives the impression that you are busy and responsible.